Man it is cold outside...we had a freeze last night...I mean I know I complain about the heat but it is stinking cold out where near Siberia but a bit drastic for central, COASTAL Florida...It is 9:15 am and it is still only 30 degrees outside. I'm not complaining, don't get me wrong...I mean it is probably the only truly cold front we will get all year, so, I am going to enjoy it but that doesn't mean I can't say, "man, it is cold out there!"
Anyway, we had a nice New Year's celebration with some of our friends and
are now settling into 2008...holy cow! 2008! As promised my Christmas decorations are coming down...the interior decorations are down and boxed, the exterior...well, did I tell you??? It is COLD out there! So, I hope to get to those later in the week. I still have plenty of work to get to on the inside. Adam has pretty much finished rolling the family room (it's a big room) and so I must begin the lovely job of "cutting in." This is the worst job ever for two people who hate to paint. Especially because I am not happy with paint unless it looks like we hired and paid someone a fortune to do it perfectly. Have I mentioned I am type A?
They came to measure for the carpeting in the family room yesterday. We should have install dates by early next week. How is this helping get ready for Ellie? Well, it isn't really...but it makes me feel better. And, I can justify it with,"she will be playing a lot on that floor and it grosses me out!" Her room, however, still looks like a storage shed *sigh* I am hoping we can tackle that this weekend.
In adoption news, I have a few praises. The woman at the DCF here in FL has been so helpful, calling me nearly everyday since the 28th to see if we have made any progress and this morning calling to get the proper spelling of our names because it seems she is writing the letter herself...Praise God for putting people like her in our path. She has been dedicated to making sure it got done since it came across her desk. I only have the Lord to thank for putting her in the middle of this process.
As far as the FBI clearance, it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. We got fingerprinted the same day we found out about the new requirement and and got it in the mail to WV. It went through the necessary steps there and was back in my hands on Monday. I got it out same day to the the Sec of State in WV for apostille and I called and the girl there got it done same day and it will be delivered to my agency this morning by 10:30...which is in just one, it could feasibly be in Russia before they reopen. More Praises for God...He continues to put the right people in my path.
I did have a moment of clarity in the car is where I have most of my "aha!" moments. We are already almost finished with the first week of silence out of Russia. They reopen on the 14th and so, tomorrow will finish up the first week! It wasn't so bad...I have a lot to keep me busy and things to look forward to over the next few weeks...
"Even to your old age and gray hairs I am He, I am He who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4
And He will Sustain me!
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