Friday, January 4, 2008

Chilling Out...In More Ways than One

What a difference a day makes. Today we got up into the 60's and it looks to get warmer through the weekend. Today was absolutely beautiful and I would love to live somewhere that has weather like this year round...I am not sure such a place exists.
I had a good chat with my FC this morning and she set me straight on a few things I was wondering and confused about:
  1. The Russian offices do reopen on the 9th but "they" are not expecting to hear anything until at least the 14th. I, however fully believe the Lord will move when He is ready regardless of when "they" think it will happen.
  2. Court dates are going to be issued like such: If there are two families who are paper ready, the family who traveled on trip one will get their court date first. However, families who are paper ready do not have to wait for other families to become paper ready just because they traveled first. (Does that make any sense to anyone besides me?)
  3. Although the court has been issuing court dates to the agency two at a time ie: two for you, two for you, this does not have to be the case...If AWAA has four paper ready families and Agency XYZ has none, AWAA could conceivably be given four court dates.
  4. Although she could not 100% guarantee that a second judge was coming on in the New Year, she did say that she had "heard" that. Hopefully they will notice the number of families backing up in their region and feel the need to get things moving...who knows?
  5. I am not done paper chasing. I will likely be chasing paper the day before I leave on trip two and may even have to call home and have other people chase paper for me...expect it, prepare for it and if it doesn't happen praise GOD!
  6. I need to chill out.

Ok, she didn't say the last one. She may have implied it but she is way too nice to come right out with it. So, I felt really good after talking to her. She settles me down and really puts things in perspective. I found this on another mom's blog and I wanted it for my expresses how I feel about our FC. (and this process) It was nice to see I am not the only one out there feeling exactly like this:

· The only time we will ever hear good/bad news is while we're at work. We aren't together hearing any of the news. We wait all day at work for a phone call, every day. We know that when we walk out of work for the day, our chances of hearing anything have dwindled to none. The next day is a new day. Fridays are especially hard, because we know that there's no chance of hearing anything until we walk back into work the following Monday.
· We think about this every second of every day. What the agency may perceive as excessive calls has likely been only one call of the thousands of thoughts about calling. Some of the crazy things going through our heads even go as far as 'maybe they just lost my work number' - totally unrealistic.
· When the agency personnel are at work, and reviewing paperwork/sending new requirements, we are at work too. Our only opportunity to complete these requirements is if we take off work or do it in our 'free' time. Delaying emails/messages until the next day is the worst possible thing for us because we lose an entire day to complete the action.

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