Monday, March 3, 2008


I can hardly believe that my two plus years of being "pregnant" with this child are about to come to an end. I can sympathise with the elephant on a whole new level now and I believe they have received top billing in my heart as my favorite animal. We spent the weekend a little different than you might imagine after getting the good news late Friday afternoon. I, of course, fired off an email to the travel agent to get her working on our flight itinerary. Then, I got our Visa applications filled out and ready for Fed Ex today. But then we just went about life as usual over the weekend. sleepover on Friday night (our house...still tired), baseball game on Saturday, church on Sunday. We did go to Target and get a car seat for the girlie. That was kind of cool. We also bought her an Easter dress:0)

Once back at home, I went through all the stuff I had been stock piling for our trip and I managed to cut out quite a bit of it from having been there just a little more than a week ago...I now know we don't need everything I thought we did. So I have begun the process of packing. Friends have asked what I need to get done before we go and the answer is, not a whole lot...I don't have any paperwork to do, most my packing was already prepped, so I will just concentrate on my kids, getting my office ready for me to be away from it for 30 days, a few things around the house...T minus 15 days until lift off...stay tuned!


quiet norwegian girl said...

it is amazing to see God's blessings everyday. and i'm glad to see he has blessed you with an amazing gift of a lil' girl i can't wait to see her. God is big and can do many things i will be praying for you during your trip.
andrea simpson :0)

Sherri said...

Oh Lori,
I am so glad to hear that it will be such a "stessless" prep time for you!! Can't wait to see you over there. Details still changing even today!!

Heather said...

I hope you can save a copy of your packing list to help those who come behind you :)

May God continue to bless you as you prepare for this journey!


Mrs. Susan Banchero said...

So excited for you! Have fun packing! Prayers for a safe trip and a wonderful birthday with your daughter.


Jeanette and Greg said...

Lori - we're here in Krasnoyarsk & so thrilled for you to hear the news of your court date! We are thinking about you & hope all goes very smooth for your journey to bring your sweet girl home...

sincerely, The Dini's