Our First full day was wonderful!!! (Until bedtime) We started out going to get photos for Ellie’s passport. That was a very short errand…she sat in the stool with a shocked look on her face and they shot two quick photos and then the other family’s little boy had his turn. After that, they returned us to the hotel where we sat in the lobby for about an hour just watching the people pass and every once in a while, the resident cat. She was very curious about the cat and would follow it but it would not let her get too close…smart cat:0)
Adam had to leave again to do some paperwork for her birth certificate and passport and I took her back up the room. I tried, unsuccessfully to feed her once again…she is sort of snacking and that is about it…she seems to be too interested in everything around her to really eat…we talked to our facilitators and they said that because of her size and personality (“so busy” is wha
I put her down for her nap on schedule…again I laid with her in the bed and then moved her to the crib…she slept good and woke up happy. In the afternoon, we decided to venture out to a restaurant for a meal. She ate some noodles, French fries and enjoyed being out...wanted to walk instead of being carried…and did not, repeat did not, want to go back into the hotel! She wanted run right up to each stray dog (there is a pack that roams in the courtyard outside the hotel…not aggressive but very dirty and not the friendliest)
Once back at the hotel, we had another fun bath time and around 8PM, she began to wander to the door and pace the room off and on. She looked extremely tired and then she started getting sad…and then came the meltdown. Temper tantrum like I have never seen (outside the orphanage). Finally, after 10 minutes of it, I stopped fighting her because she would not let me comfort her and I
She woke up this morning like a new kid…all smiles and giggles again…we went to the coffee shop for some really awesome crepes with strawberry sauce and she rode over in the snuggly…she really enjoyed that. After, we hit the grocery store and after about 5 minutes in there she started to cry…so, since she would not be comforted, I took her back outside (today was the coldest day since we have been here. -8 C with an icy breeze) she continued to tighten up in the snuggly and have her tantrum off and on until we started our walk back…I put my hand up in front of her face to block the wind and eventually I realized I was supporting her head…”Adam, is she asleep?” Yes, indeed and four hours later she woke up once again the smiling beauty we have come to love…this is a girl who does indeed need her beauty sleep!
Short Version: We’ve been out…mixed reviews, she likes the snuggly, doesn’t eat much, and really needs her sleep!
yo yo check check.....
Hey, Its Paul...nice work...looks like you guys are having a great time...she is so precious, now lets bring her on home...Also, Adam what is your skype info??
Praying it gets easier and easier. To encourage you, I am finding the more I can stick to the nap time and sleep schedule the more of Natalie's lovely personality I see!! May the time go quickly until you head to Moscow!!
What a sweetheart! Congratulations! It is absolutely thrilling to see the pictures! Congratulations Mama and Papa!
Lyn and Dennis Franks
Just a few more days and you're on to Moscow and that much closer to home :) I may have already said this but it bears repeating...you have such a cutie! Praying that God will continue to bless you during your stay in Russia!
I've enjoyed catching up with your blog. Your daughter is a doll. Many ways she reminds me of our little one on our first visit. Especially the pigtails. Ellie is so adorable.
I can imagine how wonderful it is to be in Kras winding up your time and getting ready to return to Moscow then home. Like me, you miss your children at home, but you know the time in Russia is helpful in terms of bonding and attachment.
Many prayers and blessings coming your way!
Ellie and Aunt Margaret are going to get along really well...just love those naps.
YEAH!!! I just got a chance to ready the blog, I have missed it the last few days. I am so excited for you guys. Ellie is just precious. I am so glad she is in your hands now! Hope all of the paperwork goes through without a hitch, can't wait until you guys get home. Praying for everything to go according to His plan.
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