Monday, December 8, 2008

Dark Brown

Another sign I am getting older...I had been getting one, maybe two grey hairs a year just in the front...and then a few weeks ago, Adam found a really long one mixed into the back of my hair...he plucked it out in the middle of our ABF...I'm not sure who noticed but it got me to thinkin' about murder. Just last week, I was parting my hair like I do on the rare days that I decide to style it and low and behold, there were about 3 greys right there in the middle of my head...I plucked them in the privacy of my own bathroom. Then a few days later, I am again parting my hair and right there is brand new growth...devastating! So, I decide I would rather not go bald and make a trip to the drug store for my first box of'd think if I am finally going to join the ranks of hair coloring women I could get some cool sounding color like "Mahogany bark." No, the color that matches my hair is called, "Dark Brown." So, now, I am old AND boring.

I really wish I could have found time to update before now...Today is Ruthie's birthday...She's 9...NINE! I am going to do a post in her honor after her little party this weekend...In the meantime...Last week, We started the week with tubes. Flip did really great but woke up a little sad which was a first for him...The doc said that the fluid in his ears was the consistency of taffy and that we should notice a huge difference in his hearing, again. The hole I was previously worried about was completely closed over and had healed nicely. They see no signs of scar tissue so we will get regular hearing tests until we decide the "permanent" tubes can come out. He has said a few times since then that things were too loud and hurting his ears so it seems his hearing is much improved like after the tonsils came out and it will take him some time to get used to life on a normal volume.

Ruthie with Peder the Llama.

Over the weekend, we had two extra munchkins in the house. Jenna and Jason came to stay so their parents could get a nice weekend away and we had a nice time with the kids. On Saturday, we went to the Zoo...a first for Ellie...and she was so excited about all the animals but her favorite part, I think, was petting the sting rays...I'm pretty sure she would have stayed there as long as Adam would have held her up.

Yesterday, after church, we got the outside of the house decorated, the tree up and painted our yearly ornaments for the tree. Ellie was fascinated with the tree...she kept touching the branches. I said to her, "what is that?" and she said, "flower." We told her about the tree and showed her the ornaments, which she kept taking off:0)

My kids all have their own ornaments that they put on the tree every year and I was glad I had bought a set in Russia and collected few for Ellie over the past few years so that she had her own little set to put on the tree. (all on the same branch, I might add)Although, I think she enjoyed playing in the trees storage bag more.


Anonymous said...

u r terrible & u no what i mean!

The Fo'Zaglia's said...

No you did not go there? Too funny! So glad to hear that Flip's doing OK. It's a good feeling to get stuff done isn't it? I'm so not there:)

The Fo'Zaglia's said...

And... Happy Birthday Ruthie (her card is on the way)... Like I said I'm behind this year:)

Kelli said...

Glad to hear Flip's surgery went well. Poor guy. By the way, you're not the only one seeing grays! I'm not even 30 yet! Sad, I know.

Anonymous said...

My favorite hair-coloring story:
A little old white-haired man came up to our friend (about our age) and said, "Honey, I used to have beautiful red hair like yours." Julia replied, "So did I".
Go Dark Brown!!!
Happy Birthday, Ruthie.
Glad you are well, Flip.

Susan & Phil said...

Happy Birthday, Ruthie! You are getting to be so big!

Glad Flip's ear surgery went okay; getting rid of that thick fluid should really help his hearing.

Don't sweat the gray hair too much. I saw my first on my 20th birthday! After 15 years of hair dyes and hiding the grays, I just got tired of it and let the salt and pepper shine now

Carey and Norman said...

I enjoyed the update. Glad Flip is doing well after tubes. I loved the Llama picture. Reminds me of the story, "Llama, Llama Red Pajama." Ellie is adorable in her Santa hat. Glad you are doing well.

Grandma Andie said...

Happy Birthday, Ruthie!! Flip I am whispering a get well soon!! Lori, at least you stopped the plucking in right side almost became bald!!!! At least your brown has an adjective :)

Kasjaniuk said...

Hee Heeee! No Mocha Magnificance, huh? You are too funny.

Happy Birthday Ruthie!!