Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Ruthie had the excellent opportunity to go to camp at LSU this summer. Of course, it couldn't have gone off without just the littlest bit of drama. On the morning she was to leave, we were trying to teach her how to use the extra cell phone and it wouldn't turn on. I had charged it!!!! So, I frantically called my mom just one hour before the bus was scheduled to leave and asked her to solve the problem and meet me at the gym. She showed up without a minute to spare and Ruthie became the cell phone toting/text messaging 9 year old I have always dreamed of...ok, they were night mares.

Anyway, she loaded onto the bus with her new suit case and cell phone, her portable CD player and a small cooler with some snacks. I had my first call before she even hit the city limits...cute...an hour later she calls me to ask if the movie they were showing was OK for her to watch...another hour, "uh, mommy, did you know we had to drive through Gainesville?" and another little while, "mommy, we just left Florida." And not too much later a text to which I responded, "did Nana say you could text?" Uh, no? Well, you better ask her since she is paying this bill...

When Adam got home I gave him the update, "they are almost to the dorms." to which he responds, "I know, she's been calling me all day." Later, I called my mom to let her know they got in ok to which she responds, "I know, she's been calling me all day." So, the phone was the first hit of the week.

On the first night, Ruthie and her room mate got settled in and then ventured out to visit in some of the other rooms. And you know, they BOTH left their keys inside the room that has a door that locks when you close it. So, she and her roommate had to spend the first night on the couches in the community room at the dorm and she was so upset because she wanted to call me but her cell phone battery was dead and locked in her room...I wonder why?

The rest of the week went by uneventful. She called home during her breaks and at bed time. She was busy with 3 workouts/day, got the opportunity to work with the head coach of LSU who is a legend in collegiate gymnastics and a few of the girls from the team. She also made friends with some of the girls from other levels on her own team and came home a die hard LSU fan with souvenirs for the whole family, including her father who accepted the coozie gracefully. I assured her that if her dreams are to go to LSU and be a gymnast, we are behind her all the way...we will simply say, "GO TIGERS!" but we will never mean, "Gaux tigers!"


www.adventureswithaidan.org said...


Dinah McKinley said...

Miss you Ruthie - you are such a hard worker! Grace is trying so hard to do some of the "things" Ruesty can do as a gymnast, but she just isn't strong enough yet! Her "limberness" is amazing, but the strength thing is taking a while...she is a persistent little thang though :)